Expressing Life

Top 7 Weight Loss Tips To Start Your Fitness Journey

Over the years, our lifestyle has drastically changed as compared to that of our ancestors. How they lived, what they ate, everything was different but they definitely had a healthier approach towards life. Not only has our life expectancy reduced, but our body also houses several ailments that come with these changes in our lifestyle. The one true answer to a healthier and longer life is a fit body. Our body is our temple, and to care for it is our responsibility. We often look for easier options for a fit body that works for the short term and then we end up looking and feeling the same as before. The correct answer to the question of how to lose weight is not this diet or that workout, but an overall healthier approach to life. Take a look at these top 7 weight loss tips to start your fitness journey with the right mindset-

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  1. Drink Water
  2. Clean Eating
  3. Avoid Sugar
  4. Exercise
  5. Portion Control
  6. Sleep Well
  7. Intermittent Fasting

Now let’s take a look at how these weight loss tips will help you lose the extra weight in a healthier manner.

Top 7 Weight Loss Tips to Start Your Fitness Journey:

  1. Drink Water: The most easily available magic potion that aids weight loss. Drinking water half an hour before your meals and half an hour after increases the metabolism in your body. Always remember to sit when you drink water. If you’re forgetful about your water intake, make reminders.
  2. Clean Eating: Say no to processed food, avoid it like the plague. Processed food is dominating the modern diet. Filled with unhealthy levels of sodium, sugar and fat, it not only fattens your body but also boosts your ageing. With all the processed food we’re consuming, India will soon become the most obese nation in the world. Junk food will satiate your hunger for a while, but it will ruin your body forever. It does no good, period.

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  3. Avoid Sugar: Sugar slows down your body. If you cut back on sugar or completely avoid sugar in your diet, you’ll see a noticeable change in your weight in just a matter of days. To curb the craving, try natural sugar, sweet fruits, jaggery, but nothing in excess. Desserts may seem irresistible, but remember, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips!
  4. Exercise: You’ve been given a body, you need to get up and use it. You’re not a panda! Eating and sleeping is not your only purpose. Work your body, choose your workout. Start small and increase it with time. It doesn’t have to be something you do not enjoy. Dance, yoga, swim, go to the gym, whatever floats your boat but exercise!
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  5. Portion Control: Eating clean does not suggest eating like it’ll be your last meal. Keep a food diary, note down what you’re eating. Counting calories is a good measure to track your food intake. You can also just eat less than your hunger. Eat until you’re 80% full, (Hara Hachi bu) a principle followed by the Japanese is also quite effective in portion control. Be mindful of what you’re eating and always eat in a controlled manner.
  6. Sleep Well: A good sleep routine helps your body in streamlining the efforts you put through the day. Eat at least 3 hours before you sleep, and avoid nighttime eating. Late nights can lead to hunger pangs and junk eating which will put all your effort to waste.
  7. Intermittent Fasting: This is an eating pattern where the windows of eating and fasting are assigned instead of what you can or cannot it. However, trash eating during intermittent fasting leads to no results. There are many approaches to intermittent fasting but consulting your doctor before beginning is strongly advised. This is not a fad, it actually works if you do it right with proper guidance.
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Weight loss doesn’t come from a crash diet, it results from a lifestyle change. Working out but eating junk, eating right but not working out, these things do not go a long way. If you start with a better approach from the start, you won’t have to cycle around the same path. How to lose weight goes hand in hand with how to eat right and live well. Focus on your food, on your surroundings and your activity. Focus on your overall well being and see yourself thrive.

That’s all for today, folks! Until next time, be kind to one another!

Radhika Mundra

Radhika Mundra is an aspiring writer, a lifestyle blogger and an intense storyteller.

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Radhika Mundra

Radhika Mundra is an aspiring writer, a lifestyle blogger and an intense storyteller.

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