Expressing Life

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The Night Stories! :) :)

Night seems to be longer than usualMy eyes are denying to shutIts hard to stay awake alone When everybody seems to be chasing their dream boneSleep seems far away from my eyesMaybe it is also tired of all living...

The Best Gift Of OT – We Are…!!!

Sometimes we meet some Devils, but we do not fear them and take them along in our life, valuing their presence… Those devils are known as friends… 😉  What can be better than a late night chat with...

OT – The Awesome Six days!!

Never in my thoughtsI had imagined That OT would be this funThat i’ll miss it, the day it endsI used to wonder y people call them“those good old OT days”cause now i’ve joined there leagueAnd now...

Choose Them soon But Choose WISELY!!

Life is a Journey…We have to drive to reach our destination… Yesterday i was going somewhere with my family. the destination was a good distance away so i kept my eyes glued to the Road ahead…The...

Learning Life Via Stories!! :)

Let me tell u a story… Once, there was a girl named Aayu. She was a total carefree, enthusiastic person. She had a gold chain, that she loved more than anything. One day, a tiny ring of the chain gave way while...

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