Expressing Life

Lifestyle Factors and Male Fertility: Tips for Optimising Reproductive Health

Undiagnosed infertility is one of many challenges a couple may have while conceiving. It is usually discovered when a couple tries to conceive after carefully orchestrated and unprotected sex for a year without success. Due to the stigma associated with female and male fertility problems, there is a lack of open conversation, which can create a stressful situation.

Given how commonly these issues can occur, the best way to prevent them is to make necessary lifestyle changes and optimise your reproductive health. Today, we are discussing the different ways to improve male fertility and reverse infertility. So, let’s begin.

Avoid Substance Abuse of All Kinds

Drug use, including cocaine, marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol, can significantly drop testosterone levels, which can cause several problems, including a lower sperm count and erectile dysfunction. This can also happen due to using anabolic steroids to build and strengthen your muscles.

Smoking can have a detrimental impact on male sexual health. It leads to the narrowing of blood arteries in the penis, which can result in reduced erectile function and potentially affect male fertility. It’s important to note that these issues can also be triggered by passive smoking, so it is crucial to avoid exposure to smoke.

Move Your Body by Staying Active

Being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight is essential for fertility. Studies have consistently demonstrated that obesity is a significant factor that affects male fertility and sperm quality. Men who are generally active have higher sperm counts than inactive individuals. So, regardless of how busy life can get, indulge in 15-30 minutes of moderate activity daily.

Maintain a Healthy Diet Rich in Antioxidants

Low-quality sperm has been linked to diets high in processed meat, caffeine, red meat, saturated fatty acids and trans fats. On the other hand, diets high in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and seafood are associated with greater sperm quality. Make sure to eat plenty of antioxidants in your diet, including vitamin C, folate, zinc, and B12, by consuming fruits and vegetables daily. Omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like walnuts and oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring) will also help.

Balance Out the Temperature

The quality of the sperm gets hampered by an increase in testicular temperature. It is advisable to refrain from extended periods of sitting with a warm laptop on your groin or keeping a warm phone in your pocket. Also, avoid using hot tubs, saunas and extended baths. Instead, put on comfortable underwear such as boxer shorts and loose-fitting pants. Move around frequently and take a step outside in case you are planning on spending your day indoors or in a hot setting.

Manage Stress and Prioritise Sleep

Stress makes it hard to be in the mood, but there can be more than a lack of desire for sex. Researchers believe excess cortisol can cause detrimental hormonal imbalance, disrupting your body’s homeostasis and sperm health. So, whenever life gets stressful, give your body the extra rest it needs and get a good night’s sleep every day.

How to Test and Treat Male Fertility Problems?

With the lifestyle changes mentioned above and Kindly Health’s personalised Test-Talk-Treat solutions, you can easily tackle your male fertility problems and improve your reproductive health significantly. Kindly Health is a platform that provides end-to-end solutions for all your sexual and reproductive health-related concerns. Check out their official website and learn more about their offerings!

Radhika Mundra

Radhika Mundra is an aspiring writer, a lifestyle blogger and an intense storyteller.

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Radhika Mundra

Radhika Mundra is an aspiring writer, a lifestyle blogger and an intense storyteller.

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