14th August 2015
Source: 15august2015.in |
15th August 2015
Source: techicy.com |
Source: blog.liveurlifehere.com |
Source: flashscrap.com |
She continued without breathing, “I want that when the next time I visit you, you should be waiting for me to tell me how relieved I should be about the present and the future of India. Maybe then, I will be covered with the colours of happiness, peace and prosperity. Saffron, white and green, those would be the colours my existence will reflect. The Tiranga flies and flutters in the air every year, but next time it will fly high freely not to lie down ever. That is the India I dream of, that is the India I want. I hope that this time I chose the right person to make a change.” Her eyes started to gleam and sparkle while she spoke of the future, her lips curved into a smile.
My Sketch! |
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