Expressing Life

Poetry: The Final Step!

The Final Step

At the end of the map
Marching on
 To the final step
Pressure building up
The final battle coming
The spirit shivers
Little flame shining
Confined in the walls
Deep in the debt
In the aching heart
Her daunted soul wept
In the hopes of good 
That the future beheld
With staggering feet
Forward she dwelled
With the leftover strength
Walking the path uphill
Whispers now and then
Overcome the negating will
In foresight of luck
The wary eyes wander
Will I make it
No time to ponder
We accompany you
Promised the Fates
Keep going on
Victory Awaits.
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Until next time!

Be kind to one another!
Bye Bye! 🙂

Radhika Mundra

Radhika Mundra is an aspiring writer, a lifestyle blogger and an intense storyteller.


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Radhika Mundra

Radhika Mundra is an aspiring writer, a lifestyle blogger and an intense storyteller.

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